Just like Buddhists, we sometimes wear beads… Just like Taoists, we venerate our ancestors… Just like the Native Americans, we honor the spirits of nature around us… Just like Catholics, we have our own sacred relics… Just like Muslims, we […]
December, 2012
Candelo’s Corner – Readings from KDCL Media Hosts
Our gift to our faithful listeners–A month of show doing Readings. Happy Holidays from our House to yours. Tata Nganga Candelo Kimbisa and Miss Paula, co-founder, host, and producer,at KDCL Media will be your readers tonight. Miss Paula is a […]
Candelo’s Corner Reading at the Crossroads
Mon, December 10, 2012 05:00 pm KDCL Media & Candelo’s Corner offer a SPECIAL gift to our faithful listeners. For the month of December we will be bringing back prior guest readers to the show. Tonight’s guest readers will be […]
Candelo’s Corner Readings with Dr. Hob & SIlver Shadow
KDCL Media and Candelo’s Corner gives out faithful listeners a holiday THANK YOU! by doing readings all the Mondays in December. Tonight’s readers are Dr. Hob and SilverShadow. Doctor Hob is a professional reader, and practicing Conjure doctor from Memphis, Tennessee. […]