Candelo Kimbisa, Tata Nganga
Welcome, weary traveller, to the internet home of Candelo Kimbisa, host of the popular Candelo’s Corner Palo Mayombe talk show and creator of the Candelo Kimbisa line of spiritual products. Listen to past episodes of the show and learn about Palo Mayombe, the ancient African science of Healing, Shamanism, Herbalism and Energy Work. Here you can also book exclusive and affordable appointments with Candelo for:
Thousands of Fans Can’t Be Wrong!
Nowhere, online or on air, is there a more honest, informative and straight-forward show about Palo, ATR’s and other related spiritual matters. I have learned more in several months, than I could have thought possible. Your handpicked guests, also never disappoint. Please keep on shining the light on the true practices of Palo, ATRs and other paths. Whether you know it our not, your work is a big help to those of us seeking or lost. – Andrea, NY
Popular Episodes & Special Guests
Dr. VegaConjure AliIan CorriganOchani Lele
Dr. Marta Moreno Vega has dedicated her professional life to developing culturally grounded institutions, and placing the history and culture of African descendants in the Diaspora onto the time clock of world history. She is founder and president of the Caribbean Cultural Center African Diaspora Institute, an international non-profit, created in 1976.. [

ConjureMan Ali is a professional conjure doctor and reader, a member of the prestigious Association of Independent Readers and Rootworkers, and co-hosts the renown Lucky Mojo Hoodoo Rootwork Hour. He is also a scratched Tata Kimbanda and is one of the few initiates in the United State practicing this Congo-derived religion. He is the author… [
Ian Corrigan has been teaching, learning, singing and playing in the American Neopagan movement since 1976. He has decades of experience in a variety of occult, pagan and magical topics.Having received his 3rd degree initiation in Celtic Traditional Wicca in the early 80s, Ian has led eclectic study groups, a traditional Wiccan coven and a Druid Grove. Ian has been well-known for decades at Pagan festivals as a bard, ritualist and teacher. [

Take a peek into the life of a modern-day santero who just happens to be a writer, and a very prolific one at that. Ocha’ni Lele is the author of books on Afro-Cuban folklore and spirituality, including “The Secrets of Afro-Cuban Divination” (Destiny Books, 2000); “Obi, Oracle of Cuban Santería” (Destiny Books, 2001); “The Diloggún” (Destiny Books, 2003); and, most recently, “Teachings of the Santería Gods” (Destiny Books, 2010). [