Catherine Yronwode has been a reader and rootworker for most of her life. She is a writer, teacher, graphic artist, web designer, perfumer, and herbalist, a minister and a member of the Board of Bishops of Missionary Independent Spiritual Church, a […]
Candelo’s Corner with Brother Ash
Brother Ash, a sorcerer based out of Richmond, Virginia, works with Hoodoo, which was learned from his mother, who learned it from her grandmother from Mississippi. He “works with both hands”. A “straight no chaser” type of magician, his primary […]
Candelo’s Corner Reading at the Crossroads
Mon, December 10, 2012 05:00 pm KDCL Media & Candelo’s Corner offer a SPECIAL gift to our faithful listeners. For the month of December we will be bringing back prior guest readers to the show. Tonight’s guest readers will be […]
Candelo’s Corner with Dr. E The Conjure Doctor on Fraud and Exploitation in Santeria
Dr E. is a rootworker, two-headed conjure man, psychic reader, medium and spiritual consultant. Santeros Against Fraud and Exploitation (SAFE) is an action committee of the Santeria Church of the Orishas, dedicated to the exposure of deceptive practices and prevention […]