
Candelo’s Corner Ladies Night with Yayis Ahmadi Riverwolf & Jhadas Adams

I’m Ahmadi Riverwolf. My name in Palo is Yayi Nganga Tormenta Kaluguera. I’m the daughter of a West Philly English teacher and spent the most of my childhood roaming through metaphysical book shops and learning at the side of the […]

Candelo’s Corner : Sei Chun (Yaya Canela) and Cyn Thomas (yaya Cyntellita)

Sei Chun (Yaya Canela) and Cyn Thomas (yaya Cyntellita) are high priestesses of the religion Palo mayombe. Both natural born muerteras, they do a variety of Spiritual work including readings (chamalongos, tarot), spiritual cleansings and spiritual works of all types. […]