Candelo’s Corner : Open Mic Nite with Tata Malik Kimbiza and Tata Elias

He sits in the corner of the temple…waiting. Waiting for those who come seeking…seeking knowledge…knowledge of the past…the present…the future, perhaps just a new road to travel, or mayhap old friends dropped by for a bit of fun. Open Mic […]

Candelo’s Corner : Messages from Spirit as Tata Nganga Candelo Kimbisa consults the Nfumbe

Messages from Spirit as Tata Nganga Candelo Kimbisa consults the Nfumbe on your behalf. Consultations throughtout the entire show. Candelo will be giving a deck of La Brisca playing cards that can also be used divination. He sits in the […]

Canelo’s Corner : Is Palo a “New Age” religion?

Is Palo a “New Age” religion? (Nature and the attainment of Enlightenment) The meaning of Enlightenment. Speaking in a language that the uninitiated can understand Those who leave Palo for the Church Paleros who tend to find other Paleros “New […]

Candelo’s Corner : Sei Chun (Yaya Canela) and Cyn Thomas (yaya Cyntellita)

Sei Chun (Yaya Canela) and Cyn Thomas (yaya Cyntellita) are high priestesses of the religion Palo mayombe. Both natural born muerteras, they do a variety of Spiritual work including readings (chamalongos, tarot), spiritual cleansings and spiritual works of all types. […]